It was two months ago since my last post. I think some of you knew that I already completed my studies for Diploma in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering. Recently, I had been rest in my home and work as part-timer for this period of time. Until here, I think someone will doubt with me that why not am I work as full-time in related aviation industry in Malaysia. So, I want to make an announcement here that I will be further my studies to Bachelor Degree level. I will noticed you all about details of my course later. Next, I think I will be re-active back to the blog to continue sharing knowledge and information about aviation field. Before that, I needed to admit that I don't know what kind of posts that I can post here and this is main reason why my post become dramatically low after I went for my practical in the end of last year. In the last, I hope anyone of you can left comment in the below of this post if anyone of you have any topics which you are interested to know and I can share with you all in coming post. I will continue to write new post in future or I will not delete my blog here if I will not continue update my blog. Thank you.
Welcome to my blog!!! In this blog, I will share any information which related to Aviation World. I also provide guidelines to help you guys and girls in this field. For the latest news, you all can "like" my facebook page or click "follow" to follow my blog...
Showing posts with label Opinion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Opinion. Show all posts
Sunday, 30 September 2018
Sunday, 21 May 2017
There is almost half a year that I formed this blog... During this period, I already been major updating my blog for a few times. I am glad that everyday I can get the views from all of you from different regions of the world. Today, I just made the feedback form by Google Forms. The purpose of I made the form is I would like to hear the voices and the suggestion from all of you which always surfing my blog and support me. Please don't be hesitate to give me feedback as every feedback is important for me. Your feedback can let me know what I need to improve, what kind info you guys and girls want to know about and my blog can be improve from time and time. This feedback form will not have time limit. I am very welcome to all of you to left your feedback in anytime. I will be very appreciate for your feedback.I will given the link to my feedback form in the below. In the last of this post, I would like to say thank you for your support and comments during this period. Thank you very much.
Link to my feedback form:
Blog Feedback
Link to my feedback form:
Blog Feedback
Friday, 19 May 2017
This post is about my
plan for both exam. I will share my planning to you all for your references in
completing licensing exam.
Currently, I already
passed ONLY one paper… Just sadly to tell that and a few papers had been
failed. I want to tell you all is fine to fail the papers and the important is
try to prepare more than last time to pass again the paper. I will share my
plan in the timeline form for DCAM papers. For EASA papers, I just postponed my
plan as I need financial support then I can take them as currently the exam
fees for EASA are quite burden to me as each paper costs 85 GBP = almost 480 MYR unless
some of you want to SPONSOR me! I just kidding you guys and girls unless you
really want to do it and I will be thankful for your action.
My Plan
From my plan above, you can see that I planned to be completed in next three years. Ya... I plan to apply frozen license two years later after I completed all the paper. However, no one can predict the future... My plan will be succeed or not, currently I am not sure. But, we need to have faith and confidence that we can be success in doing anything. This is my plan and my target. I hope this post can inspiring you guys and girls to achieve your goals and targets. In the nutshell, let's all of you to be my witnesses and I hope my plan can be work as nothing is impossible. Thank you!
Monday, 8 May 2017
In this post, I share my experiences in taking DCAM & EASA exam in previous sessions. My latest period for taking the exam was last year, which 21 July of 2016 for Physics, DCAM and 11 July of 2016 for Electrical Fundamental, EASA. I will share all my exam details without any withhold. Here... we go!
I will share the tips for taking an exam either DCAM or EASA. FIRST, you are advised to plan your schedules to take the exam. As I said like that it is because you need to take time to prepare your exam before you enter for your exam. Just make sure that you don't have any events which are near with your exam's date bothered you to prepare well in exam. It is important that as myself faced a lot of same situation when I was taking the each paper. SECOND, try to not get each paper with frequently in short period of time. Just have small gap of time in between each paper you are taking. This step will let you be more relax for prepare your exam and the percentage of pass the exam will be more higher. In addition, not to be greedy in taking more paper in same time as you may facing failure situation. THIRD, try to get a good rest before the exam. It is as this action can let you be confidence and energetic during the exam. It is also important that get the advice from the seniors who are already passed the paper you planned to take as they may give you some useful tips in certain paper.
For your knowledge, I had been taken a fews papers in DCAM exam and one paper EASA exam. I just sadly want to say that I just passed one paper only in currently. However, I will not giving up in licensing exam and will continue my journey toward getting full license. In next post, I will share about my plan for license in future. That's all for this post. I hope you guys and girls can get some inspirations from this post. Thank you!
I will share the tips for taking an exam either DCAM or EASA. FIRST, you are advised to plan your schedules to take the exam. As I said like that it is because you need to take time to prepare your exam before you enter for your exam. Just make sure that you don't have any events which are near with your exam's date bothered you to prepare well in exam. It is important that as myself faced a lot of same situation when I was taking the each paper. SECOND, try to not get each paper with frequently in short period of time. Just have small gap of time in between each paper you are taking. This step will let you be more relax for prepare your exam and the percentage of pass the exam will be more higher. In addition, not to be greedy in taking more paper in same time as you may facing failure situation. THIRD, try to get a good rest before the exam. It is as this action can let you be confidence and energetic during the exam. It is also important that get the advice from the seniors who are already passed the paper you planned to take as they may give you some useful tips in certain paper.
For your knowledge, I had been taken a fews papers in DCAM exam and one paper EASA exam. I just sadly want to say that I just passed one paper only in currently. However, I will not giving up in licensing exam and will continue my journey toward getting full license. In next post, I will share about my plan for license in future. That's all for this post. I hope you guys and girls can get some inspirations from this post. Thank you!
Sunday, 23 April 2017
I get the idea to write this post as I get the opinion for career jobs when I came to LIMA'17. So, I decided to write a post about the difference between military maintenance crew & civil maintenance crew in this field.
The Common About Both Sides
The Common About Both Sides
- They have same academic background.
- Their job scope are same as they are repairing the aircraft.
- Their training requirement are totally different. For the civil one, we just to pass all the paper exam, gain all the working schedules, then pass the interview from NAA. But for the military, they just need to go to course to get training from aircraft manufacturer for the specific types of aircraft.
- The salary difference also very big. It is because as the civil one, we gain our salary by consider type-rating we have, the position of job in company and also overtime. But for the military, they pay you by consider your military rank.
- The job scope are slightly different between both sides. We can only repair the aircraft based on the type-rating we got and they need to fix any types of military aircraft. We can understand that their jobs are quite heavy.
- The status of aircraft maintenance engineers are very big difference in both sides. For the example, we as the technicians, we get orders from them. But for the military side, technicians get the jobs done by themselves and the engineers just get report from them. From here, we know that the jobs of engineer in military are quite easy compare to civil side.
- The experience you will gain also different in each side. If you go to military, you can get a lot of experience as you need to face any difficulty in military. After you get retired from military and go to civil sides, you should be can easily to get jobs.
Thursday, 13 April 2017
In this post, I will tell you about which issue is good new for you guys and girls but bad new for me. Recently, I got to know from my department, Department of Aircraft Maintenance, Polytechnic Banting Selangor that our this year June intake will have 100 persons for my course. This is a good new for you guys and girls who applied this course for my polytechnic. Your chance to get choose from interview will be higher.
But in other way, it is been bad new for our seniors. We need to take short semester for lab subject at least for two weeks as they mentioned we are lack of laboratory start from this year as last year we are enough of when we are just 50 person per intake. Tomorrow, I will have my last paper for this semester final exam. I should be at home in this weekend but my plan changed when they made this kind of decision. Our students are the last to get to know this issue. Our reactions like, 'wtf?' , 'seriously?', 'they are kidding with us...'. None of us like happy about short semester or more intakes are coming.
For my conclusion, I can said that more girls are coming as I hope so is the good new for our seniors only. None of these are good news. LOL... !!!
But in other way, it is been bad new for our seniors. We need to take short semester for lab subject at least for two weeks as they mentioned we are lack of laboratory start from this year as last year we are enough of when we are just 50 person per intake. Tomorrow, I will have my last paper for this semester final exam. I should be at home in this weekend but my plan changed when they made this kind of decision. Our students are the last to get to know this issue. Our reactions like, 'wtf?' , 'seriously?', 'they are kidding with us...'. None of us like happy about short semester or more intakes are coming.
For my conclusion, I can said that more girls are coming as I hope so is the good new for our seniors only. None of these are good news. LOL... !!!
Friday, 7 April 2017
In this post, I will share about my experience for my first interview for entering this course. My main target of this post is for anyone has interest to join this course in anywhere and who want to pass through the interview. This post maybe will have some long so be patient to see it completely. I will tell my interview story from A to Z and share some tips with it. So, let us start... NOW.
Before The Interview
You guys and girls as locals should know the procedure of apply public institution, right? So, I will not talk details about applying UPU online. About two week before the interview's date, I get the letter to ask me go to interview for this course at POLIMAS which located at KEDAH state of Malaysia. So, until here, you guys and girls where I come from, right?
Next, I share about the venue for interview during my time for your knowledge. During two years ago, all of us had been interviewed in different place. Now, I am not sure are they doing it in the same place. I will share the venue in the below.
In the beginning, I got the offer letter for programming course in Polytehcnic Balik Pulau, Penang state of Malaysia (My second choice for study was IT related course). I thought I lost my chance to this course. The situation continued to a few days later, I got the phone call form Jabatan Pendidikan Politeknik, one of the division of the Ministry of High Education, Malaysia.
These were my interview experience.
My Advice To The Interview Candidates
At there, I give my personal advice to all of you which may help you guys and girls in interview.
Before The Interview
You guys and girls as locals should know the procedure of apply public institution, right? So, I will not talk details about applying UPU online. About two week before the interview's date, I get the letter to ask me go to interview for this course at POLIMAS which located at KEDAH state of Malaysia. So, until here, you guys and girls where I come from, right?
Next, I share about the venue for interview during my time for your knowledge. During two years ago, all of us had been interviewed in different place. Now, I am not sure are they doing it in the same place. I will share the venue in the below.

After The Interview
During The Interview
I go the venue just on time during that time as I remembered. After go through registration procedure, all of the candidates were taking pre-test in the hall. I still remember that test paper was about SPM level Mathematics. Guys and girls, you all need to prepare well in Mathematics and Physics as they are fundamental of this course.
After the test, we all gathered in the library for the interview session. During that scene, I managed to meet with my future classmates, Mahsyar, Elroy and Syeh. I want to say lucky or not, I entered the room with Mahsyar and another girl that we will not met again until right now. My interview group met the lecturers which were quite serious expression. They asked us about to introduce ourself (this is of course need to do in any interview), tell about ambitious toward future, ask about technical terms for the aircraft and how we should get this Aircraft Maintenance course which offered by government. I am still remember what reason I give to that lecturer until right now I can write a post about this event to you guys and girls.
In the beginning, I got the offer letter for programming course in Polytehcnic Balik Pulau, Penang state of Malaysia (My second choice for study was IT related course). I thought I lost my chance to this course. The situation continued to a few days later, I got the phone call form Jabatan Pendidikan Politeknik, one of the division of the Ministry of High Education, Malaysia.
These were my interview experience.
My Advice To The Interview Candidates
At there, I give my personal advice to all of you which may help you guys and girls in interview.
- Please be prepare yourself in physical and mental before the interview.
- Please be punctual on time when you are joining the interview.
- You should be dress in formal and properly during the interview.
- Try to get the good first impression from the interviewer.
- You all should be have self-confidence in whatever event.
- Try to act politely with the interviewer.
- Try to gain their interest to you when interview.
- You show the altitude that you really interested in the interview.
Thursday, 6 April 2017
My target for this post is for someone who interested to enter to Aircraft Maintenance field but don't have any ideas about it. For this post, I mainly will tell about the situation that happen in Malaysia.(As every countries may different criteria about Aircraft Maintenance.)
1. Malaysian
2. Possess SPM or equivalent
3. Pass History Subject (for SPM in 2013 and above)
4. Receive five (5) credits in the following subjects:
Malay language
OR Physics Science
ONE (1) other subjects that have not been dealt with honors
5. Candidates are not disabled members and able to perform practical assignments
6. Pass the interview, a written test and a test for color blindness
(NOTE: If you meant to work in Malaysia, you need to have DCAM's license as currently DCA Malaysia is not recognizing EASA's license for AME. However, the policy of NAA always change. Please refer to DCA Malaysia for further license issues.)
2) Dilog Training & Services (DTS)
3) Aero Precision Resources (APR)
4) International College Yayasan Malacca ICYM
5) Malaysia Aviation Training Academy (MATA)
6) ADTEC Shah Alam (Cat A ONLY)
NON Approved DCAM Part 147 (EASA P66 license program / Academic Diploma)
1) TAFE College
2) Nilai College
5) Despark College
6) MSU
7) Politeknik Banting
8) IKBN Pekan
10) AATC
Criteria To Enter Aircraft Maintenance
For this title, I will talk about the personality you guys and girls should have. To be a part of this field, you should have:
1. Responsibility
2. Hardworking
3. Time Punctuality
4. Team Working
5. Well In Communication
This criteria should be the main you guys should be concern about. You guys should not forget that YOU SHOULD ALWAYS INTEREST TO WHAT YOU ARE DOING. This will bring successful to your career in which career area.
Academic Requirement ( For my polytechnic requirement )
1. Malaysian
2. Possess SPM or equivalent
3. Pass History Subject (for SPM in 2013 and above)
4. Receive five (5) credits in the following subjects:
Malay language
OR Physics Science
ONE (1) other subjects that have not been dealt with honors
5. Candidates are not disabled members and able to perform practical assignments
6. Pass the interview, a written test and a test for color blindness
There may be have different requirement between each institution...
Career Requirement
Aircraft Maintenance Technician/ Mechanic
1. Complete all the EASA or DCAM papers (Category A)
2. Collect all the working schedules
3. Pass the interview by National Aviation Authority (NAA)
4. Gain the working experience on life aircraft to gain full license
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer
1. Complete all the EASA or DCAM papers (Categories B)
2. Collect all the working schedules
3. Pass the interview by National Aviation Authority (NAA)
4. Gain the working experience on life aircraft to gain full license
Aircraft Maintenance Foreman
1. Degree level in Aircraft Maintenance for academic requirement
2. Have at least 10 years experience in the field
(NOTE: If you meant to work in Malaysia, you need to have DCAM's license as currently DCA Malaysia is not recognizing EASA's license for AME. However, the policy of NAA always change. Please refer to DCA Malaysia for further license issues.)
Institutions In Malaysia
DCAM Part 147 Approved Training Organization (ATO)
2) Dilog Training & Services (DTS)
3) Aero Precision Resources (APR)
4) International College Yayasan Malacca ICYM
5) Malaysia Aviation Training Academy (MATA)
6) ADTEC Shah Alam (Cat A ONLY)
NON Approved DCAM Part 147 (EASA P66 license program / Academic Diploma)
1) TAFE College
2) Nilai College
5) Despark College
6) MSU
7) Politeknik Banting
8) IKBN Pekan
10) AATC
What Aspectation Before Enter To This World
Before enter to this world, you should aspect that in a few statement:
1. You might be work in night shit often and sometimes need to work overtime.
2. You might be to work hardly as the time is precious in aviation field.
In the last, I inserted my related link to this post:
Thank you. Welcome to give comment in the below if you have any opinion.
( This is just my opinion. Might be the information are not accurate. Please feel free to give comment for this post.)
Sunday, 2 April 2017
This title is should be writen by me before I went to the LIMA'17 program... But however, I didn't managed to write it. So, I will talk about my expectation to the LIMA'17 program before I actually go through the program.
I give very big hope to the program as I expected it will give me a big rewards after I join. In this moment, I can say that they are going well as I expected. Now, let's me tell you about what I think about LIMA'17 this program.
- It will enlarge my social connection to the global.
- I will gain the experience in the volunteer program.
- It enhance my knowledge to the business, industries in Aerospace & Maritime Sector
- It provided me with the chance for my internship & my future job.
- It help me to build a good relationship with public .
- It help me to build my self-confidence.
Tuesday, 10 January 2017
THIS IS MY FIRST POST IN THIS YEAR... First of all, I felt sorry that until right now just post information in my blog. I am quite busy right now from end of last year. However, I promise this year, I will continues my works from last year which introduce Aviation World to all of you. I always welcome you guys and girls to continue give any comments in my blog for improvement. I hope all of you will continue support me and my blog in this year and I will continues produce more and more information which bring benefits to all of you. I personal thanks to all of you who really support me and my blog since I formed this blog. Wish all of you have a good start in 2017 and Happy New Year! #2017
Monday, 5 December 2016
In these few weeks, I had been continued in update my blog. In this time, beside update blog, I also made major modification to my blog...
Aircraft Maintenance Engineering: My World
Aircraft Maintenance Engineering: My World
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Start from this Friday (25/11), I will enter my semester 4 for Diploma course. It also mean that the time for me to graduate from my course still left one more year. As you all know, before we graduated from our studies, we need to do a project as a criteria to complete our studies. So, am I with my situation. Right now, truly I say that I haven't got any ideas yet for my final year project. That is why I make a survey for my final year project. Beside, I hope my final year project really bring beneficial to the all the people whether public or Aviation Industry. I personal sincerely ask for your cooperation in complete my survey. YOUR IDEAS/SUGGESTIONS CAN BE MY PROJECT INSPIRATION. THANK YOU.
( Section 1 is for all either you are public or industry, Section 2 is for Aviation Industry which these two section I can receive ideas/suggestion from both side. )
My Final Year Project Survey
( Section 1 is for all either you are public or industry, Section 2 is for Aviation Industry which these two section I can receive ideas/suggestion from both side. )
My Final Year Project Survey
Thursday, 8 September 2016
"Sully" official poster
Tom Hanks as Captain Sully
Captain Sully
One of the scenes in the movie
Youtube Trailer
Movie Details
On Jan. 15, 2009, Capt. Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger (Tom Hanks) tries to make an emergency landing in New York's Hudson River after US Airways Flight 1549 strikes a flock of geese. Miraculously, all of the 155 passengers and crew survive the harrowing ordeal, and Sullenberger becomes a national hero in the eyes of the public and the media. Despite the accolades, the famed pilot now faces an investigation that threatens to destroy his career and reputation.
Release date: September 9, 2016 (USA)
Director: Clint Eastwood
Distributed by: Warner Bros.
Music by: Christian Jacob
Produced by: Clint Eastwood, Frank Marshall
Notes: This is totally my own opinion to this movie. I doesn't mean to offense anyone if anyone don't agree with my point...
Monday, 29 August 2016
So you want to learn to fly?
So you want to learn to fly?
Wow! 10 years since I passed my PPL checkride. Instead of looking back at the last decade of flying, I thought I would use my wisdom (yeah right) to dispel a few myths about making that fateful first decision.
Frequently asked questions.
1) Can I learn to fly?
Most people are capable of learning to fly to a safe PPL standard. It is a matter of dedication and whether or not you can pass the medical requirements, fit and proper person test, and written exams. The exams are no harder than a year 10 (10th Grade or 4th Form) test, and there are usually classes and/or online resources available to self study. If you suffer from a condition that prevents you from driving a car, you probably cannot fly either. When I say dedication, I mean it. It is a never ending process as even thousand plus hour pilots will tell you they are still learning as they go. There are a very small percentage of people to which flying comes naturally and I am not one of them. What this means is, it won't come to you over night, you need to practice it to get to the point where it comes naturally to you. How long this takes depends as much on you as it does on the quality of your instructor. What I will say is at the end of it all, not only will you have learned to fly but you'll have learned a lot about yourself on the way as well.
2) Am I too old/young to learn?
There are no minimum or maximum age requirement to begin learning to fly. You must be able to physically reach the controls and see over the instrument panel, but that is about it. There are some limits placed on other aspects, namely in NZ you must be 16 or older to fly solo, 17 or older to hold a PPL and 18 or older to hold a CPL. I know one young fella who had won several national flying competition titles by the time he went solo at age 16, and I know of an 80 year old gent who fulfilled a life long desire to learn to fly after his family finally convinced him he could do it.
3) Is it safe?
Taken in a literal sense, nothing is truly safe. In a more reader friendly way, think of it like this: Flying and flying training is made as safe as it can be and safety is an ongoing development that Flight Schools and Govt regulators take very seriously. The long answer is while there is always serious risk in flying, steps are always taken to actively mitigate any inherent risk involved. It's often said that its more dangerous driving out to the airport than actually flying the plane. To compare the statistics, in March 2015 a family of four tragically lost their lives in a light plane crash. Since then, no one has died flying light fixed wing airplanes. From March 2015 up to today 248 people have died in automobile related accidents on NZ roads. When you consider that in NZ pilots fly light aircraft for around 50,000 hours a year, there's a lot of fatality free flying going on!
4) It's really expensive isn't it?
Yes it is. But so is that house, car or 4kHD TV you want to buy. My point is, if you really want to do this, a way will exist where you can afford to save up for it. It might not be particularly pleasant and there may be some hard choices involved, but see my point about dedication. It might surprise you how little it may cost compared with other pursuits (try costing up mountain biking, skiing or scuba diving as a comparison). My PPL cost me NZ$14,000 over two years of training which took me just over 3 years to save up, and I spend approximately NZ$3500 a year (~NZ$375 per month) keeping current, competing and going on the odd joyride.
5) Do I have to go on and become a commercial pilot once I get my PPL?
Strangely enough, a lot of non pilots ask me this question when they find out I fly recreationally. They automatically assume that I am going to quit my job and change careers. The answer is no you don't. I've been flying privately for ten years and I have no plans to go any further down that path. Besides, there are many other paths your flying can take even in the private pilots world, blogging being one of them. :-)
6) I'm a girl. Can I fly?
You sure can, this is the 21st century! Having said that, women have been flying for almost as long as men have and their history of flying makes for a fascinating read if you are interested. There is nothing stopping you getting out there and having a go, it all starts with you. I followed one aviatrix through her training from first flight to checkride. She went through a lot of personal challenges on her journey, but she made it and passed her PPL flight test with flying colors (pun intended). Go and read her blog.
Frequently asked questions.
1) Can I learn to fly?
Most people are capable of learning to fly to a safe PPL standard. It is a matter of dedication and whether or not you can pass the medical requirements, fit and proper person test, and written exams. The exams are no harder than a year 10 (10th Grade or 4th Form) test, and there are usually classes and/or online resources available to self study. If you suffer from a condition that prevents you from driving a car, you probably cannot fly either. When I say dedication, I mean it. It is a never ending process as even thousand plus hour pilots will tell you they are still learning as they go. There are a very small percentage of people to which flying comes naturally and I am not one of them. What this means is, it won't come to you over night, you need to practice it to get to the point where it comes naturally to you. How long this takes depends as much on you as it does on the quality of your instructor. What I will say is at the end of it all, not only will you have learned to fly but you'll have learned a lot about yourself on the way as well.
2) Am I too old/young to learn?
There are no minimum or maximum age requirement to begin learning to fly. You must be able to physically reach the controls and see over the instrument panel, but that is about it. There are some limits placed on other aspects, namely in NZ you must be 16 or older to fly solo, 17 or older to hold a PPL and 18 or older to hold a CPL. I know one young fella who had won several national flying competition titles by the time he went solo at age 16, and I know of an 80 year old gent who fulfilled a life long desire to learn to fly after his family finally convinced him he could do it.
3) Is it safe?
Taken in a literal sense, nothing is truly safe. In a more reader friendly way, think of it like this: Flying and flying training is made as safe as it can be and safety is an ongoing development that Flight Schools and Govt regulators take very seriously. The long answer is while there is always serious risk in flying, steps are always taken to actively mitigate any inherent risk involved. It's often said that its more dangerous driving out to the airport than actually flying the plane. To compare the statistics, in March 2015 a family of four tragically lost their lives in a light plane crash. Since then, no one has died flying light fixed wing airplanes. From March 2015 up to today 248 people have died in automobile related accidents on NZ roads. When you consider that in NZ pilots fly light aircraft for around 50,000 hours a year, there's a lot of fatality free flying going on!
4) It's really expensive isn't it?
Yes it is. But so is that house, car or 4kHD TV you want to buy. My point is, if you really want to do this, a way will exist where you can afford to save up for it. It might not be particularly pleasant and there may be some hard choices involved, but see my point about dedication. It might surprise you how little it may cost compared with other pursuits (try costing up mountain biking, skiing or scuba diving as a comparison). My PPL cost me NZ$14,000 over two years of training which took me just over 3 years to save up, and I spend approximately NZ$3500 a year (~NZ$375 per month) keeping current, competing and going on the odd joyride.
5) Do I have to go on and become a commercial pilot once I get my PPL?
Strangely enough, a lot of non pilots ask me this question when they find out I fly recreationally. They automatically assume that I am going to quit my job and change careers. The answer is no you don't. I've been flying privately for ten years and I have no plans to go any further down that path. Besides, there are many other paths your flying can take even in the private pilots world, blogging being one of them. :-)
6) I'm a girl. Can I fly?
You sure can, this is the 21st century! Having said that, women have been flying for almost as long as men have and their history of flying makes for a fascinating read if you are interested. There is nothing stopping you getting out there and having a go, it all starts with you. I followed one aviatrix through her training from first flight to checkride. She went through a lot of personal challenges on her journey, but she made it and passed her PPL flight test with flying colors (pun intended). Go and read her blog.
Credit From: Making a Kiwi Fly
( I shared this post to who would like to fly the airplane who just like me...)
Saturday, 6 August 2016
An Aircraft Maintenance Engineer(AME) is a blend of mechanical aptitude and technical skills
An Aircraft Maintenance Engineer(AME) is a blend of mechanical aptitude and technical skills
An Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) is a person authorized to maintain and certify in written airworthiness standards of an aircraft. An AME should possess high degree of responsibility and accuracy of mechanical aptitude and technical skills to undertake such responsibility and uplift that kind of maintenance work on any aircraft.
AMEs Responsibilities:
An AME plays a vital role in engineering discipline in aviation organization and by virtue of big responsibilities involved in maintaining aircraft, an AME is high ranked, drawing excellent pay and perks (usually between$45,000 and $55,000 plus per year) and enjoying good facilities. A well structured career progression is ensured for an AME. With a type of rated license and experience, an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer assumes very high positions like Chief Managers Maintenance Dept., Chief Manager Quality Control and General Managers, and finally can be positioned as a Head of the Engineering services and they receive pay between $120,000 and $145,000 plus per year.
Keep hitting on me ..
Happy AME!
AMEs Responsibilities:
![]() |
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) |
- Certifying the airworthiness of airframe, piston and turbine engines, electrical/electronics systems, propellers and rotary systems
- To carry out periodic inspections and troubleshooting aircraft structural, mechanical or electrical systems to identify problems
- Repairing systems within the tolerance limits according to specifications, technical drawings, manuals and established procedures
- Repairing and overhauling aircraft structural, mechanical or electrical systems
- Installing or modifying aircraft engines, mechanical, hydraulic,electrical, flight control, fuel and pneumatic systems
- Dismantling airframes, aircraft engines or other aircraft systems for repair, overhaul, inspection and reassembly
- Supervising, performing and documenting routine maintenance
- AMEs generally work regular office hours, but may sometimes work overtime hours when deadlines arise.
AMEs Personal Characteristics:
- Good eyesight and hearing
- Good observation skills and an ability to concentrate for longer periods of time and strong problem-solving skills
- Good hand-eye coordination along with accurate to the smallest details
- Good team work coordination and make decisions independently, often under pressure
- A must physical fitness and stamina to work for extended period of times
- The ability to get hold of situation and to follow instructions provided in written or blueprint form, and to interpret the same
- Good management and organizational skills
- A self motivator, a keen interest on latest trends in Aviation is appreciable
- Aircraft Maintenance Engineers should be able to visualize problems in three dimensions form and have the knack of selecting the right kind of tools, equipments and machinery to perform task requiring high degree of precision, analyzing data and troubleshooting snags and organized methods for theirs work.
AMEs Pay Check:
An AME plays a vital role in engineering discipline in aviation organization and by virtue of big responsibilities involved in maintaining aircraft, an AME is high ranked, drawing excellent pay and perks (usually between$45,000 and $55,000 plus per year) and enjoying good facilities. A well structured career progression is ensured for an AME. With a type of rated license and experience, an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer assumes very high positions like Chief Managers Maintenance Dept., Chief Manager Quality Control and General Managers, and finally can be positioned as a Head of the Engineering services and they receive pay between $120,000 and $145,000 plus per year.
Here the dreams are unlimited. Give your dreams a wing to catch and soar into new heights of success.
Up Up All The Way ...
Up Up All The Way ...
Keep hitting on me ..
Happy AME!
You have wished that you had chosen a different career!
You have wished that you had chosen a different career!
Great Airplane |
You Might Be An Aircraft Mechanic If....
You've ever slept on the concrete under a wing. You've ever said "Oh yes sir, its supposed to look like that"
You know what JP4 or 145 octane tastes like.
You've ever used a black grease pencil to fix an overworked tire.
You have a better bench-stock in the pockets of your coveralls than the supply system.
You've ever used a piece of safety wire as a toothpick.
You've ever been told to go get "some prop wash and a yard of flight-line."
You've ever worked a 14 hour shift on a aircraft that isn't flying the next day.
You can sleep anywhere, anytime, but as soon as the engines shut down you are wide-awake.
You've ever stood on wheel chocks to keep your feet dry.
Used dikes to trim fingernails.
Wiped leaks immediately prior to crew show.
Wondered where they keep finding the idiots that keep making up stupid rules.
You've ever had to de-fuel an aircraft an hour after refueling it.
You've used a wheel chock as a hammer.
You know more about your coworkers than your own family.
You ever wished the pilot would say "Great Airplane".
You've ever wondered why it takes a college degree to break an airplane but only a high school diploma to fix one.
You have used a wooden chock as a pillow while sleeping on a push back tug.
You have scuba dived a lavatory tank to remove everything under the sun.
You have had a pilot ask you why the valve stems on all the tires are not the same size.
You have had a steering bypass pin fall out during a blinding snowstorm while in a near red-line turn.....BOOM!!!
You have had a starter hang while performing a manual start on a RC-130!!!! You just screwed up something really expensive.....D'OH!!!!
You have seen the "northern lights" inside the cabin while being shocked by a ballast (200v).
You have had fire lick the back of your neck after getting that inop APU FINALLY started (tub removed).
You have told someone that you are an aircraft mechanic only to have them say, "But not on the engines...right?"
You have been blamed by management for looking where you were NOT SUPPOSED TO BE LOOKING.
You have wanted to put your foot up a pilot's butt on many occasions.
You have wished that you had chosen a different career!
Is Aeronautical Engineering is a Branch of Aerospace Engineering? Do you know First Airplane was designed by a Pair of Bicycle Makers?
Is Aeronautical Engineering is a Branch of Aerospace Engineering? Do you know First Airplane was designed by a Pair of Bicycle Makers?
What is Aeronautical Engineering?
Aeronautical Engineering is a sub-branch of aerospace engineering. Though few people often interchange these two terms. Basically aeronautical involve activity of designing, developing and constructing of machine planes that can fly, as commonly know by aircraft.
The aeronautical engineers primarily responsible for creation of safer and more energy efficient economical methods for travelling including aircraft, helicopters, satellites, missiles and spacecrafts.
These includes science of propulsion and aerodynamics, even it covers the development and selection of materials and equipment that are utilized in aircraft.
Aero Engineer's are part of the designing process to make the fastest vehicle. Eg: Airplanes that weighs over a million pounds can ease into the air and spacecraft travels 17.000 miles an hour.
What do Aeronautical Engineers do?
Aero engineers bring concept into reality by emphasising on the design of aerofoils(wings). Propulsion is another aspect in aeronautical engineering. The force of propulsion helps an airplane to remain in flight, and encompasses the design and development of engines. These two basic principles are considered when choice of material for aircraft design, strenght and weight. Selection of material is a crucial area of specialization for the aeronautical engineering
As a Aero graduates you can specialize in any areas including:
Structural designing, Flight mechanic and control system, Aerodynamics, Instrumentation and communication, Manufacturing and maintenance.
Aeronautical Engineering Career Opportunities:
Commercial aviation industry
Government defence forces
Flight crew in both commercial and defence aviation
Research institutes
Space exploration centres.
Aeronautical Engineers Employers includes:
Aer Lingus, Airbus the Air Corps, FLS Aerospace, Rolls Royce and Ryanair to name but a few.
Aeronautical Engineering Future Prospects:
Create new, innovative methods of transportation to meet future demands.
Improve safety of an aircraft travel with more energy-efficient, economical methods
Develop and manufactures rockets and satellites.
Research and development formula one racing cars.
Perform and supervising the design of military aircraft.
The first airplane was designed by a pair of bicycle makers, who worked on it largely as a hobby.
Wright Brothers bicycle on display at the National Air and Space Museum.
Aeronautical Engineering is a sub-branch of aerospace engineering. Though few people often interchange these two terms. Basically aeronautical involve activity of designing, developing and constructing of machine planes that can fly, as commonly know by aircraft.
The aeronautical engineers primarily responsible for creation of safer and more energy efficient economical methods for travelling including aircraft, helicopters, satellites, missiles and spacecrafts.
These includes science of propulsion and aerodynamics, even it covers the development and selection of materials and equipment that are utilized in aircraft.
Aero Engineer's are part of the designing process to make the fastest vehicle. Eg: Airplanes that weighs over a million pounds can ease into the air and spacecraft travels 17.000 miles an hour.
What do Aeronautical Engineers do?
Aero engineers bring concept into reality by emphasising on the design of aerofoils(wings). Propulsion is another aspect in aeronautical engineering. The force of propulsion helps an airplane to remain in flight, and encompasses the design and development of engines. These two basic principles are considered when choice of material for aircraft design, strenght and weight. Selection of material is a crucial area of specialization for the aeronautical engineering
As a Aero graduates you can specialize in any areas including:
Structural designing, Flight mechanic and control system, Aerodynamics, Instrumentation and communication, Manufacturing and maintenance.
Wright Brothers bicycle |
Commercial aviation industry
Government defence forces
Flight crew in both commercial and defence aviation
Research institutes
Space exploration centres.
Aeronautical Engineers Employers includes:
Aer Lingus, Airbus the Air Corps, FLS Aerospace, Rolls Royce and Ryanair to name but a few.
Aeronautical Engineering Future Prospects:
Create new, innovative methods of transportation to meet future demands.
Improve safety of an aircraft travel with more energy-efficient, economical methods
Develop and manufactures rockets and satellites.
Research and development formula one racing cars.
Perform and supervising the design of military aircraft.
Aeronautical Engineering salary: The average aeronautical engineer earns over $90,000 a year.
The first airplane was designed by a pair of bicycle makers, who worked on it largely as a hobby.
Wright Brothers bicycle on display at the National Air and Space Museum.
Friday, 5 August 2016
Is It Aircraft Maintenance Engineering or Aeronautical Engineering or Commercial License Pilot?
I found this post from other blogspot. I found it was interesting, so I share this post...
Is It Aircraft Maintenance Engineering or Aeronautical Engineering or Commercial License Pilot?
1.who is paid most?
2.which is most glamorous profession?
3.who has most responsibility?
4.who is considered as no:1 in aviation?
5.who will be having most knowledge about airplanes?
1.Who is paid most?
A. Pilots: As a pilot, I know from first-hand experience that starting wages for civilian pilots are very poor. Typically a pilot’s first job fresh off the lot is a flight instructor (CFI, CFII, MEI) for a flight school, and they make about 12k a year. This is not because of the hourly wage is so low, but the fact that they are only paid when in two roles (flight time, and ground). Also, it is possible for someone to make a living flight instructing, but this is usually someone who has thousands of hours of experience who usually owns his or her own plane.
To further restrict the pilot’s income, they have daily time restrictions on the amount a flight instructor can fly Once a flight instructor builds up enough time to go to the airlines, they will usually get picked up at a regional with a starting salary of 18-20k a year with a raise to 26-30k. With that said, it takes several years for a pilot to see a financial gain for the thousands of dollars and astronomical amount of time and energy they invested, but eventually, the pay reaching in the 90-120k plus a year range.
B.Aeronautical Engineers: I do not have first-hand experience for the salaries of aeronautical engineers, but I found on the below listed website that the typical salaries start around 24-150k.…
C.A&P (airframe and power plant) Mechanics as they are called in the US have an average salary range of 35k-85k. I have several friends who are A&P’s and their salaries reflect the data on the listed site.…
2.which is most glamorous profession?
In comparative analysis, all three (designer, operator, repairer), play an equally role, and the absents of all three are detrimental the aviation industry, along side the rest of the elemental functions of aviation infrastructure, DESPITE what others say about their individual roles which they believe and portray to be most vital.
3.who has most responsibility?
Again, all three share equally
independent levels of responsibility,
4.who is considered as no:1 in aviation?
No one in my opinion, we are all part of and intricate system
5.who will be having most knowledge about airplanes?
There are different levels and understandings of knowledge, which again are equally important with respect to the common goal of safety and reliability. The pilots have a unique knowledge and understanding to the operation of the aircraft that goes beyond a computer generated representation of an aircraft design, where as the mechanic, has a different set of vital skills that also extend beyond the classroom.
Then there’s the engineer, who uses their knowledge of Science and mathematics to bring the idea to life and produce the next generation of airplanes.
Unfortunately there have been countless, misunderstandings between R&D and operations where there was something overlooked or not considered at all, which have let to catastrophic failures. This problem was alleviated when manufacturers started having the two departments work together where they could share their unique knowledge. On top of that, advanced computer software added to the reduction of abnormalities.
In final words my personal note is in slight favor of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering.
The work of Aircraft Maintenance Engineer may not be exiting and glamorous but Aircraft Maintenance Engineers are just as vital to the aviation industry. Without AMEs you can't even imagine to fly.
Aircraft Maintenance Engineers are the nuts and bolts of aviation.
I hope this is helpful ..
Keep hitting on me ..
Happy AME !
2.which is most glamorous profession?
3.who has most responsibility?
4.who is considered as no:1 in aviation?
5.who will be having most knowledge about airplanes?
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Pilot |
A. Pilots: As a pilot, I know from first-hand experience that starting wages for civilian pilots are very poor. Typically a pilot’s first job fresh off the lot is a flight instructor (CFI, CFII, MEI) for a flight school, and they make about 12k a year. This is not because of the hourly wage is so low, but the fact that they are only paid when in two roles (flight time, and ground). Also, it is possible for someone to make a living flight instructing, but this is usually someone who has thousands of hours of experience who usually owns his or her own plane.
To further restrict the pilot’s income, they have daily time restrictions on the amount a flight instructor can fly Once a flight instructor builds up enough time to go to the airlines, they will usually get picked up at a regional with a starting salary of 18-20k a year with a raise to 26-30k. With that said, it takes several years for a pilot to see a financial gain for the thousands of dollars and astronomical amount of time and energy they invested, but eventually, the pay reaching in the 90-120k plus a year range.
B.Aeronautical Engineers: I do not have first-hand experience for the salaries of aeronautical engineers, but I found on the below listed website that the typical salaries start around 24-150k.…
C.A&P (airframe and power plant) Mechanics as they are called in the US have an average salary range of 35k-85k. I have several friends who are A&P’s and their salaries reflect the data on the listed site.…
2.which is most glamorous profession?
In comparative analysis, all three (designer, operator, repairer), play an equally role, and the absents of all three are detrimental the aviation industry, along side the rest of the elemental functions of aviation infrastructure, DESPITE what others say about their individual roles which they believe and portray to be most vital.
3.who has most responsibility?
Again, all three share equally
independent levels of responsibility,
4.who is considered as no:1 in aviation?
No one in my opinion, we are all part of and intricate system
5.who will be having most knowledge about airplanes?
There are different levels and understandings of knowledge, which again are equally important with respect to the common goal of safety and reliability. The pilots have a unique knowledge and understanding to the operation of the aircraft that goes beyond a computer generated representation of an aircraft design, where as the mechanic, has a different set of vital skills that also extend beyond the classroom.
Then there’s the engineer, who uses their knowledge of Science and mathematics to bring the idea to life and produce the next generation of airplanes.
Unfortunately there have been countless, misunderstandings between R&D and operations where there was something overlooked or not considered at all, which have let to catastrophic failures. This problem was alleviated when manufacturers started having the two departments work together where they could share their unique knowledge. On top of that, advanced computer software added to the reduction of abnormalities.
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The work of Aircraft Maintenance Engineer may not be exiting and glamorous but Aircraft Maintenance Engineers are just as vital to the aviation industry. Without AMEs you can't even imagine to fly.
Aircraft Maintenance Engineers are the nuts and bolts of aviation.
I hope this is helpful ..
Keep hitting on me ..
Happy AME !
Tuesday, 19 July 2016
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