Main Gate of Hostel
Air Asia : Girls's Hostel
Firefly : Boys's Hostel
Malindo : Empty Hostel
MAS : Cafeteria
My room My bed look messy...
Warden's office
Every blok have one vendor machine
We also got CCTV in the surrounding of our hostel...

Our Reading Room
Our reading got the satellite tv which let students to watch it in night...
Prayer Room...

Our Reading Room
Our reading got the satellite tv which let students to watch it in night...
There are still have other facilities.I will update later...
Wau i'm really impressed with the facilities here.But brother Zijan Wai,why did your room only have one bed?
ReplyDeleteand i want to know,is there many girls students that study in Aircraft maintenance course?
I'm sorry for my broken english but i hope you can understand.
For the room, is not only one bed only as I just took my place only, my place is in the corner of the room.
DeleteFor your information, there are just few girls studied in our course currently, my class just have 4 girls only... If for the mechanical courses, there are many girls.
Thank you.
i got it...
Delete1.ok,brother Zjian Wai...I want to know about your classess scedule for the rest of your time studying at PBS. How many times the classess were held in a week and how long the period for those classess each day?
2.and,commonly,at what time does the classess were held?
3.Can you do me a favour?
can you please give me some explaination about the interview that will be held before I was choosen to study in this polytechnic. what types of questions that I need to answer in the interview? is it hard topass through the season? i really need you help because i need to make a preparation as early as i can as my english isn't as good as you.
1. For the class schedules, we are 5 day for one week. Everyday almost class started from 8a.m. to 5 p.m. something like that, but no everyday are same schedule.
Delete2. For the interview, you just prepare anything about aircraft, aviation, yourself, ambitious... It should be not different to pass through it. So, just keep fighting...
3. Last, I would like to ask you about are you applying for this course and wait for the interview?
Thank you...
yes sir...
DeleteIm already apllied for this course and just need to wait for the interview.
Good luck for your interview. I hope to see you in the poli next semester.
Deletethank you brother Zjian Wai for supporting me.i'll try my best during the interview.its a great pleasure to know you although just through this blog.
ReplyDeletei have another questions for you if you not mind to answer it.
1.where does the interview took place? long does the interview? is it a long period to settle it?
3.this is my spmresult,
whats your opinion? can i placed myself in polytechnic banting with this result? its not really a good result is it right? the interview,i'll answer a test that we called amplitude test, is it right? what does the test look like and is it based on what i had studied in form 5 or harder than that?
Dear Arjuna,
Delete1. For this, I am not sure about it. It depend where you stay currently. For me, I take my interview at POLIMAS.
2. For your information, it should be not long. It may take about half an hour for a session.
3. For my opinion, I think your result are good enough to apply this course as my result just fair during SPM.
4. I am not sure what is the test called? But I can said that the test is based on what you learn in SPM. So, be prepaid again with your physic, math and add math something like that.
Thank You.
thank you so much for your perfect information.
ReplyDeletecan i have your facebook name so that i can add you later.
My Facebook ID: Zjian Wai